A study in The American Journal of Gastroenterology showed the number of Canadian children under age 5 diagnosed with inflammatory bowel disease increased 7.2% yearly from 1999 to 2010. Researchers said new IBD diagnosis rates for children under age 16 were stable in most provinces, at about 2% annually, but overall, the number of children
Vedolizumab demonstrated significantly greater efficacy as induction and maintenance therapy for UC than placebo in patients naive to TNF antagonists and patients with TNF antagonist failure. There were numerically greater treatment differences at Week 6 among patients receiving vedolizumab who were naive to TNF antagonists than patients with TNF antagonist failure. An AGA Reading Room
New study will compare the Mediterranean and specific carbohydrate diets The Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation of America (CCFA) is sponsoring what it is calling the first-ever national study of the effect of dietary interventions to treat Crohn’s disease. The study will compare the Mediterranean-style diet with the specific carbohydrate diet (SCD) in order to evaluate
Detrimental effects include more aggressive disease and worse response to treatment. Once again, the immune effects on the microbiome may be the pathway to disease activation and drug response. Source: Assessing the Links Between Smoking and Crohn’s Disease