Study found ‘right-sided’ tumors had worse prognoses, with implications for screening and treatment A study in JAMA Oncology showed that patients with cancer found on the left side of the colon were almost 20% less likely to die than those with cancer on the right side of the colon. Dr. David Bernstein at Northwell

Cumulative adenoma sizes may be as good a predictor of polyp recurrence as current strategies.
Study: Adenoma bulk may be used as surveillance strategy Analyzing adenoma bulk may predict metachronous neoplasia as well as the current surveillance strategy of size, number, and tissue type. This is according to research presented at the ACG 2016 Annual Scientific Meeting. Dr. Joseph Anderson of Dartmouth College’s Geisel School of Medicine called adenoma bulk
The bacterial microbiome raises its head once again. In a multicenter study reported in The American Journal of Gastroenterology found that bacterial genomic fragments found in the blood of patients in remission from Crohn’s disease may be an independent risk factor for flare-ups at six months. “BactDNA” at six months also was tied to higher
This foreign body was removed from a non-healing abdominal wall incision in an elderly lady with many comorbidities and previous operations. It was a rigid plastic tube which was 7 cm long and 2 to 3 mm in diameter. There were four transverse grooves at either end. Physicians caring for her were unable to identify