Doctors should also follow up on CRC (colorectal cancer) symptoms in younger adults: Sarah DeBord was 24 when she first noticed blood in her stool. She saw a gastroenterologist who did a procedure called a flexible sigmoidoscopy to examine her lower colon and rectum, then gave her a diagnosis of hemorrhoids. “I don’t see any

Are home gut microbiome test kits reliable?
- For Medical Professionals
- General GI
- Inflammatory Bowel Disease
- Irritable Bowel Syndrome
- Microbiome
- Nutrition
Experts question value of at-home gut microbiome test kits The idea that different types of bacteria in the human gut play a role in health and disease is driving a new trend in consumer-oriented health-care kits. Startups are offering new services to analyze the complex community of microörganisms that live in the digestive tract—called the
Report: US physician shortage likely to worsen A recent Association of American Medical Colleges report predicts that the US physician shortage will get worse and a deficit of between 40,800 and 104,900 doctors will occur by 2030. Shortages will affect primary care, surgical specialties and medical specialties, including gastroenterology, but telemedicine, new drugs and other
Sarah Murthi, MD, stood between an ultrasound monitor and a University of Maryland student supine on a medical bed at the Newseum here. Clad in a pink scrub, the University of Maryland School of Medicine trauma surgeon demonstrated a new way to view ultrasound images as a dozen or so onlookers stared and occasionally chuckled.
In 1969, US astronaut Russell Schweickart peed into a plastic receptacle while on the Apollo 9 mission. The condom-like vessel allowed Schweickart – and the other crew members – to relieve themselves in space. But they often made a big mess when they removed the receptacle – painfully, they learnt that size does actually
Here is a brief video on our Anesthesia services at The Endoscopy Center of the North Shore.
Study links eating red meat to higher diverticulitis risk Men with the highest percentages of red meat consumption had a 58% greater likelihood of developing diverticulitis, compared with men who had the lowest intake levels, according to a study in Gut. Men in the highest consumption group ate, on average, more than 12 servings of
NIH Panel Recommends Early Peanut Introduction for High-Risk Infants Babies as young as 4 months can be exposed to peanuts Babies at high risk for developing peanut allergies should be introduced to peanut-containing foods in a controlled way as early as 4 to 6 months of age, according to new guidelines from an expert panel
The CDC has issued guidance recommending the use of non-opioid pain relievers, such as ibuprofen, aspirin or acetaminophen, for most chronic pain; limiting opioid prescriptions for acute pain to three to seven days; prescribing the lowest possible effective dose; and giving patients immediate-release formulations, among other measures designed to limit abuse of the highly addictive

Doctors are more likely to misdiagnose patients who are argumentative
Leave your attitude outside the doctor’s office next time. Going to see the doctor can bring out the worst in people. Being sick and fitting an appointment into an overcrowded schedule can be stressful. So can a long sit in the colorless cube of a waiting room. But if you’ve ever given a doctor attitude,