Product protects gut from antibiotics

A new study shows a product based on activated charcoal protects the gut microbiome in patients taking antibiotics. The Phase I clinical trial showed promising results. The study reported in the Journal of Infectious Diseases compared DAV132, with a placebo. “DAV132 was highly effective to protect the gut microbiome of moxafloxacin-treated healthy volunteers and may

Large study links moderate coffee consumption to health benefits

Drinking coffee might reduce the risks for cardiovascular disease, cardiovascular mortality and all-cause mortality in most people, but those benefits wane after about three cups a day, according to a review of 218 meta-analyses published in The BMJ. Coffee consumption was linked to lower rates of liver disease, diabetes and some cancers; however, the researchers

Healthier lifestyle could cut risk of diverticulitis in half

A study in the American Journal of Gastroenterology found that following an overall low-risk lifestyle could reduce the risk of diverticulitis by 50%. Elements of a low-risk lifestyle included reduced intake of red meat, increased intake of dietary fiber, vigorous exercise, a normal BMI and no history of smoking. “Diverticulitis is actually a very common

App Improves Quality of Life With IBD

App use increases patient engagement, yields better health outcomes Patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) who used a collaborative disease management app saw a significant improvement in care and quality of life (QoL), researchers reported here. Among 320 patients with IBD, those randomized to HealthPROMISE — an app designed to increase patient engagement and self-management skills —

Opioid use worsens C. dif

A study presented at the World Congress of Gastroenterology found patients with Clostridium difficile who received opioids during their hospital stay had higher rates of complicated infection and in-hospital mortality and longer length of average hospital stay, compared with patients in the control group. The findings were based on medical records of 302 patients hospitalized

San Diego Health Emergency from Hepatitis A Outbreak

Cases linked to the outbreak of Hepatitis A were first reported in November. As of Friday, more than 15 people in the area have died from hepatitis infections and more than 350 others are ill. San Diego’s homeless population has been hit hardest by the highly contagious hepatitis A virus. According to the World Health Organization most

Barbershop program boosts colon cancer screening in black men

Black men who were paired with a community-based patient navigator were more likely to follow through on colonoscopies or other testing for colorectal cancer than those in a control group. Community health workers identified the men as eligible for colorectal cancer testing in visits to barbershops throughout New York City. “Although previous studies have shown

Antibiotics and IBD

Link Between Antibiotics and IBD Remains Circumstantial Effect stronger in children, and underscores need for antibiotic stewardship in prescribing for pediatric infections Since inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is linked to disruption of the intestinal microbiome, antibiotics have come under increasing scrutiny as possible environmental catalysts in IBD – especially if taken in early childhood. So