A 2023 survey of medical professionals found that more than 1 in 3 health care workers have made a mistake while working because of a lack of sleep, with 82% saying that patient care suffers the most when the workers are fatigued. 7 in 10 health care workers described their current workload and stress as

Welcome Dr. Laura Bianchi to The Endoscopy Center of the North Shore!
Dr. Laura Bianchi is the newest member of the team at The Endoscopy Center of the North Shore. Welcome, Dr. Bianchi! Read her full bio here
Oprah Winfrey advises of the 6 most important questions to ask if you are having a procedure at an out of hospital facility. See the article at Oprah.com here. This is not an endorsement by Oprah, these are answers from our facility to the questions she recommends you ask. Wherever you have your procedure, ask
When we resume endoscopy services, we will screen all patients for COVID-19 at a separate, on-site visit right here in our office. The test will be administered by nursing personnel from Mobile Anesthesia of Chicago and billed directly through LabCorp. You do not need to go to the hospital (and potentially be exposed to high
With state-by-state legalization of cannabis products, comes a surge in purported medical benefits. But caution remains that the interest in cannabinoids will lead to the old “snake oil” type of cure-all claims. The FDA has only approved one product containing CBD, for the treatment of of a specific type of seizures. Warning letters from the
Dr. Lisa Strate from the University of Washington discusses this difficult topic in the attached video. At ACG 2018, Dr. Strate described the various presentations of symptomatic diverticular disease and reviewed current therapeutic approaches. See the video at the ACG Universe here.
Fake medical news has driven the anti-vaccination movement to the point where the US may lose it’s status as “eradicated”. Hawksters prey on the suspicion patients have for traditional medicine, and sell detoxifying agents, probiotics, “special” tests, and even parasites and stool transplant kits. How do we combat this? @AustinChiangMD has become a leader in
Physician burnout is really “moral injury”. In combat veterans moral injury is called post-traumatic stress; among physicians it’s portrayed as burnout. It’s a symptom of a bigger problem, the failures of our healthcare system.
An article from New York Times, discusses the possibility of PTSD resulting from unremembered medical procedures using medications like midazolam. Is this possible? I believe it is. If people can be traumatized by injury, sexual assault, and childhood abuse that they have repressed from their memories completely, then why not?

Artificial Intelligence Augments Small Bowel Capsule Interpretation
An artificial intelligence system with deep learning has been proposed to automatically detect erosions and ulcerations in WCE images.