A 2023 survey of medical professionals found that more than 1 in 3 health care workers have made a mistake while working because of a lack of sleep, with 82% saying that patient care suffers the most when the workers are fatigued. 7 in 10 health care workers described their current workload and stress as

Welcome Dr. Laura Bianchi to The Endoscopy Center of the North Shore!
Dr. Laura Bianchi is the newest member of the team at The Endoscopy Center of the North Shore. Welcome, Dr. Bianchi! Read her full bio here

ACG 2023 Practice Management Summit Friday, October 20. See you there!
Proud to co-host this event with Michelle Hughes. We have a slate of great topics and speakers! It’s not too late to register, even virtually!
Experts discuss multiple key strategies to improving the adenoma detection rate. From low-tech to high-def, some simple solutions may improve your ability to make meaningful changes. See the article in Gastroenterology & Endoscopy News here.
Dr. Lisa Strate from the University of Washington discusses this difficult topic in the attached video. At ACG 2018, Dr. Strate described the various presentations of symptomatic diverticular disease and reviewed current therapeutic approaches. See the video at the ACG Universe here.
Physician burnout is really “moral injury”. In combat veterans moral injury is called post-traumatic stress; among physicians it’s portrayed as burnout. It’s a symptom of a bigger problem, the failures of our healthcare system.
An online survey conducted in 2016 of a nationally representative group of 878 adults ages 65 and older found 59.4% did not want to talk about their life expectancy. Presented with a hypothetical situation that they were not immediately dying but had a shortened life expectancy, 59.9% indicated life expectancy discussions should not be initiated
Dr. Hecht is Professor of Medicine and Microbiology/Immunology and Chief, Gastroenterology and Nutrition at Loyola University Chicago. She is the former President of the American Gastroenterological Association. In a guest commentary in cooperation between the American Gastroenterological Association and Healio, Dr. Hecht offers advice on how health care professionals can best discuss probiotics with their patients. See the article
Assessing which care guideline to follow can be a challenge for many providers who care for patients with inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD). To help IBD health care professionals navigate these complexities, the 2019 Crohn’s & Colitis Congress® will focus its opening session on How to Make Sense of Care Guidelines. See Dr. David Rubin from the University

No single test identifies reflux as the etiology for extra-esophageal symptoms.
It is well recognized that reflux can be causal in subgroups of patients with chest and ENT symptoms like asthma, cough, hoarseness, sore throat, sinusitis, and ear pain. However, the possibility of reflux as the cause for a variety of ENT symptoms is both overestimated and often abused. In fact, the cause of extraesophageal symptoms