Anonymous Physician Reviews

Should we ignore anonymous physician reviews? Are they a fair form of free speech? Or are they subject to bias and potentially libelous? See my article on Comment here or on the website!

Do pets promote your microbiome?

As a new pet owner (meet Jaxon!) I immediately noticed how much “overlap” there is with dog life and my life. Licks, kisses, and paws on you that have been…God knows where. And while I wouldn’t trade it for the world, the infectious-conscious doctor in me wonders if this is a good thing or bad

Even a half-sibling with colon cancer is a high risk factor

Half-siblings of people with colon cancer have nearly the same colon cancer risk as full siblings do — a 6% cumulative lifetime risk compared with 7% — and a higher risk than other second-degree relatives have, researchers recently reported. The risk may be due both to genetics and to shared environmental factors, and the finding