The United States had more than double the rate of premature overdose deaths of at least 12 comparable countries in a recent study. The study compared the trends and patterns in premature mortality rates among people age 20 – 64 years due to drug overdose. The data was compiled from the 13 members of the Organisation
23andMe and GSK believe their partnership will accelerate the development of breakthroughs in medicine. Part of this is the concept of personalized medicine, where an individual’s genetic makeup is used to determine which drugs might work best for them. Another big part is the development of new drugs altogether. Patrons are asked if they want to
Each time a more powerful drug is developed, there are assurances, studies, and promises. Each sleep aid, narcotic, anxiolytic, and muscle relaxant has been released with “strict monitoring” and “no known adverse effects or dependency”. And each time the public is burned in the long run. This poo-pooing of risk, although it may sound far-fetched,
Dr. Hecht is Professor of Medicine and Microbiology/Immunology and Chief, Gastroenterology and Nutrition at Loyola University Chicago. She is the former President of the American Gastroenterological Association. In a guest commentary in cooperation between the American Gastroenterological Association and Healio, Dr. Hecht offers advice on how health care professionals can best discuss probiotics with their patients. See the article

Most clinical trials show antioxidants do not help healthy individuals
How does the US supplement market get so big? In the US supplements are reviewed by the FDA, but not approved for any specific use by the organization. That means they are basically keeping an eye out for harmful products, but look the other way on everything else. Since most supplements are proprietary, you aren’t even